The following report will provide a detailed outline of what was accomplished in our first month of campaign managment for your brand. Included you will find information regarding the campaigns we launched, the various data that was used to distribute the campaigns, and an analytics review the results of our first 30 days of distribution. Additionally, we will review our strategy and projections for the coming months. Once you have had a chance to review this information please select a date and time that works best for you and we can address any questions you may have. Thank you and we look forward to hearing back.


  1. Social Media Set up and Tracking implementation

  2. Campaign/Custom Audience Creation

  3. Campaign Distribution and Trends

  4. Future Projections and Exposure Estimates

  5. Appointment Scheduling and Invoice Download

Social Media / Online Advertisement

Our team has integrated Google Analytics, SEMRush tracking, and Facebook Pixels into your website These programs allow us to gather as much data as possible about your brand, potential key words, and most importantly information regarding audience targeting. The Facebook pixel allows us to measure results from the campaigns we ran over the past 30 days. By referencing this information our team was able to create our first audience set using ‘Power Editor’ Facebooks campaign distribution API.


Above are the key phrases we pulled from the main UNFO site This data helped us link optimal keywords and phrases on your site to the campaigns we are running.

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Given the nature of your business we didn’t have many competitors to reverse analyze, but we were able to pull this data from to establish a baseline of trends.

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You can note here that receives on average anywhere from 300-400 website visits per month.


After our detailed analysis we created a custom distribution set specifically for your site and audience. These audiences were established based on a variety of settings used to best reach our “perfect audience”. Included in these settings were; age, geographical location, gender, online behaviors (websites visited, terms searched, etc.), education, occupation, and many more.

These campaigns were distributed across 100’s of third party partner websites, Instagram, Facebook, Audience Network, and more. In all we had 17 distributions running.



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Once we finished our analysis phase we and completed the campaigns we received over 10k views on the video, 50k+ impressions and 300+ direct website visits.

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Please note that while the majority of clicks say Facebook, this number includes all activity from the third party website as we used FB’s distribution program to manage the campaigns.

We optimized and adjusted the distributions 3 times removing many of the campaigns that were not generating acceptable results.


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Above you can note the age and gender distribution which we weighted towards women.

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Now that we have created our initial distribution model our team will work to implement this data to increase our overall exposure in coming months. Based on our analysis we can estimate at least 2x the results of exposure during our next campaign. Our intention is to get this down to a consistent out put in which we can optimize our spend even further.

Our team will work with you to create another campaign for distribution and increase your brands overall trends significantly over the next 30 days.

This next phase includes continuation of the above campaigns, launch of our second main campaign, and continued audience optimization.


Thank you for your time! Please select a time that works best for you and we can review this information in detail together and address any questions you may have.

Please click the button below to download this months invoice. Previous invoices are available upon request. Please allow 24 hours for any office inquiries.